Upgrade to household supply
It’s becoming more common that people need an upgraded supply to their property. This can be for a variety of reasons for example to accommodate a car charger, a new outbuilding or more than one electric shower. This client needed an upgrade from 60 amp supply to 100 amp (which is the maximum to a standard dwelling) for his new fully equipped summer house and potentially to supply a car charger in the future. I arranged this and UKPN who are our District Network Operators (DNO) in the south east of England did the upgrade free of charge.
This photo is of a Surge Protection Device. I fitted it to the new incoming supply. It also includes a 63 amp mcb for mains overload protection. It will protect the new 100 amp main fuse so if the client does overload his supply at any point and his power cuts out he only needs to flick a switch to get his power back and doesn’t need to contact the DNO.